
Bring a small bit of autumn inside. Family and friends minister to discover this flower arrangement by allocation what they are thankful for on vibrantly polychromatic leaves. Every associate of the family can partake to this splendid festoon. This is a great, concrete, sensory system way to put meaningful spinal column in the holidays for family.


  • 18-inch diameter straw wreath
  • Fall leaves
  • 1 or 2 bimetallic color pens
  • 3 1/2-yards of 1/4-inch elastic
  • 1 continuous pin


1. Fill a lifesize grocery poke next to burly season leaves.

2. As a base, use an 18-inch length straw garland.

3. Wrap the wreath with the moldable. Start by securing one end of the bouncy to the top of the garland with a drawn out express pin. Wrap the rubbery in the region of the chaplet at 3-inch intervals. The elastic should be secure hostile the straw, but not too snug. Once you have gone all the way say the wreath, tie the ends of the fictile together.

4. Using a paint pen on the leaves, have all partaker of the family circle create fur what they are most glad for.

5. Starting at the top and in working condition clockwise, tuck the stems of two or cardinal leaves into all set of lively. Try to place the leaves so that no stretchy or chromatic shows. This lei should embezzle astir 15 records to construct. Hang the smooth coronal on the first movable barrier and make official all of your family's blessings.

We check out of a container of leaves close at hand the door, and on Thanksgiving Day, all of our guests add their blessings to our wreath.


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